The Impacts of Wholesale Market Rules and Policies on Clean Energy Goals

A Primer for Local Governments


  1. 1Unless referring to a specific ISO or RTO, the authors henceforth use the term RTO to reflect both types of operators.
  2. 2There are two nascent markets—the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market and the SPP Western Energy Imbalance Services—that operate only a real-time market.
  3. 3Capacity markets in ISO-NE, the NYISO, and PJM are not specifically defined as mandatory, but the impact of market rules leads to a mandatory capacity market. For the purposes of this paper, we refer to these capacity markets as mandatory even though that language is not used within the markets.
  4. 4For the non-RTO regions, a foundational step for better integrating renewables is to establish an RTO-operated wholesale market and a regional planning process that incorporates the recommendations within this paper. Cost savings and improved renewable integration can also be obtained from interim markets, such as the energy imbalance markets operated by CAISO and the SPP (Chen 2020; CPUC 2021).
  5. 5Based on data from all RTOs and 35 utilities, representing about 85 percent of the U.S. electric load.
  6. 6One exception is the SPP, which gives the Regional States Committee the right to approve certain proposals regarding the transmission planning process (SPP 2021).
  7. 7These data are only available for a subset of projects and only from four RTOs: CAISO, ISO-NE, the NYISO, and PJM.
  8. 8An LSE serves electricity users within a control area and has been granted the authority or has an obligation to sell electric energy to end users located within that area. These entities are power marketers and aggregators. See the FERC Glossary (>).).
  9. 9A forced outage is an unplanned outage and does not include planned or maintenance outages.
  10. 10If the purchaser is a utility and the contract includes the purchase of capacity, and the capacity market rules or the accreditation methodology lower the amount of capacity that clears the auction, then the value of that purchased capacity is reduced. In some contracts, such as the Massachusetts utilities’ offshore wind contracts, the purchase of capacity is not included in the contract and it is up to the seller to decide whether to participate in the capacity market (Massachusetts DER 2021). In that case, the seller may need a greater contracted energy price to compensate for any lower-than-expected revenue from sales into the capacity market.
  11. 11These local reliability projects are not included as a baseline reliability project because they do not address North American Electric Reliability Corporation or regional reliability requirements.
  12. 12Operating reserves refers to the amount of generation set aside in the event of an emergency rather than generating electricity.
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