The Impacts of Wholesale Market Rules and Policies on Clean Energy Goals

A Primer for Local Governments

Appendix D. FERC Hot Topics for Solar: Primary Proceedings


Potential Positive Outcome for Solar

Recent Developments and Next Steps

Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Building for the Future through Electric Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation and Generator Interconnection (RM21-17-000)

Expand transmission needed to deliver the growing supply of renewable energy through improved planning, cost allocation, and interconnection policies

Initial comments were filed on October 12, 2021, and reply comments on November 30, 2021; workshops were held on November 15, 2021, and February 16, 2022; FERC may issue a proposed rulemaking

Office of Public Participation (AD21-9-000)

Improve the ability of nonprofit and community groups supportive of renewable resources to better participate in FERC and RTO proceedings

Multiple listening sessions were held in March 2021 and a workshop on the Office of Public Participation was held in April 2021, followed by the submission of comments in May 2021; a workshop on technical assistance was held on October 7, 2021; additional feedback and input can be submitted at

Electric Transmission Incentives Policy/Workshop on Performance-Based Ratemaking (RM20-10-000, AD19-19-000)

Incentivize grid-enhancing technologies to improve transmission efficiency to reduce costs and increase capability to deliver renewable resources

A workshop was held on September 10, 2021; comments were due on January 14, 2022

Modernizing Electricity Market Design (AD21-10-000)

Improve energy and ancillary services and capacity market for increased renewable energy participation in and earnings from the wholesale markets

Technical conference on energy and ancillary services markets held on September 14 and October 12, 2021; comments were due on February 4, 2022

Hybrid Resources Technical Conference (AD20-9-000)

Develop rules for hybrid resources by the RTOs that better facilitate solar-storage hybrid participation in the markets

FERC’s “Hybrid Resources White Paper” issued in May 2021; comments were filed on September 20, 2021

RTO Compliance Filings with Order 2222 (Participation of DER Aggregations in Markets Operated by RTOs–RM18-9)

Allow for greater participation by DERs, including distributed solar and resources that can balance solar, such as electric vehicles and demand response; each proceeding will likely entail multiple stages after the compliance filing is submitted

NYISO filed on July 19, 2021 (ER21-2460-000)

CAISO filed on July 19, 2021 (ER21-2455-000)

PJM filed on February 1, 2022 (ER22-962-000)

ISO-NE filed on February 2, 2022 (ER22-983-000)

MISO due on April 18, 2022

SPP due on April 28, 2022

Notes: CAISO = California Independent System Operator; DER = distributed energy resource; FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; ISO-NE = Independent System Operator New England; MISO = Midcontinent Independent System Operator; NYISO = New York Independent System Operator; RTO = regional transmission organization; SPP = Southwest Power Pool.

Sources: FERC 2021a, n.d.a, n.d.b, n.d.c, n.d.d, n.d.e, n.d.f, n.d.g, n.d.h, n.d.i.

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