The Impacts of Wholesale Market Rules and Policies on Clean Energy Goals

A Primer for Local Governments


BSMbuyer-side mitigation


CAISOCalifornia Independent System Operator

CASPRCompetitive Auctions with Sponsored Policy Resources

CREZCompetitive Renewable Energy Zone

DERdistributed energy resource

ELCCeffective load-carrying capability

ERCOTElectric Reliability Council of Texas

FCAForward Capacity Auction

FCMForward Capacity Market

FERCFederal Energy Regulatory Commission

IMMInternal Market Monitor / Independent Market Monitor

IPPindependent power producer

ISOindependent system operator

ISO-NEIndependent System Operator New England

LRTPLong-Range Transmission Planning

LSEload-serving entity

MISOMidcontinent Independent System Operator

MOPRMinimum Offer Price Rule

MTEPMISO Transmission Expansion Planning

MVPMulti-Value Project

NECPUCNew England Conference of Public 
 Utility Commissioners

NEPOOLNew England Power Pool

NESCONew England States Committee on Electricity

NYISONew York Independent System Operator

OMSOrganization of MISO States

OPPOffice of Public Participation

ORTPoffer review trigger price

PJMCCCPJM Cities and Communities Coalition

PPApower purchase agreement

PUCTPublic Utility Commission of Texas

RECrenewable energy certificate

RTOregional transmission organization

RTRRenewable Technology Resource

SPPSouthwest Power Pool

vPPAvirtual power purchase agreement

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