The Impacts of Wholesale Market Rules and Policies on Clean Energy Goals

A Primer for Local Governments

3. Common Renewable Energy Barriers and Opportunities across RTOs

Although RTOs can effectively enable the integration of solar and other clean energy resources, improvements are still needed to fully support decarbonization within RTOs. Each RTO has unique characteristics, including the resource mix in its footprint, its geographic size, its governance processes, and the nature of state regulation of the electric utilities within the RTO boundaries. However, there are several common issues within their planning processes and market rules that affect the cost of and access to renewable energy; if addressed, these could unlock the full suite of opportunities they present and accelerate their deployment.4

The Intersection of Local Government Goals and Renewable Energy Barriers within RTOs

Many local governments have established ambitious goals for using renewable energy for municipal operations as well as for their community-wide energy consumption. As of February 2022, nearly 200 local governments have established commitments to use 100 percent renewable energy in their communities (Sierra Club n.d.). As local governments implement these goals, it will likely necessitate accessing renewable energy that is sold through an RTO.

The viable renewable energy procurement options for local governments within an RTO depend on several factors, including whether a local government is in a state with a regulated or deregulated electricity market, as well as the state-level policy context and the autonomy provided to substate actors. In deregulated markets or states with enabling legislation, local governments may be able to participate in electricity markets directly (or via an intermediary) through physical power purchase agreements (PPAs) or community choice aggregation. Where options are more limited and local governments must work through a vertically integrated utility, they may be able to procure renewable energy certificates (RECs) from renewable generation within an RTO. Any procurement scenario will be affected by the cost and timeliness related to clean energy siting and interconnection as well as to the value a resource can derive from the wholesale electricity markets.

Therefore, achieving clean energy targets is likely impacted by the evolving rules and policies within RTOs that either support or impede clean energy deployment. Table 2 provides an overview of the barriers within RTOs (with each described in depth in this Section) to expanded renewable deployment and the specific implications that each barrier presents to a local government’s ability to procure renewables. Local governments may be able to mitigate impediments to or amplify opportunities for clean energy by engaging on these issues, as discussed in the companion paper by Ratz et al. (2021).

Table 2 | Issues in Wholesale Markets and Implications for Local Governments


Definition/Brief Explanation

Implications for Local Governments

Transmission planning

Planning does not always sufficiently incorporate new renewable development, interregional transmission, and non-wires alternatives

Reduces access to renewable resources; creates inefficiencies and excess transmission costs

Interconnection and cost allocation

There are often high costs and long delays for new interconnections, including renewables and storage; cost allocation may not include the full array of benefits of transmission and can cause controversy and delays

Can delay and increase the cost of renewable procurement

Capacity accreditation

The value of resources in providing reliability can be biased in favor of conventional resources over renewable resources

Unbalanced valuation of renewables can create additional procurement costs

Capacity markets/MOPR

Specific rules can impede the ability of state-sponsored renewable resources to participate in capacity markets

Creates uncertainty, delays, and additional costs for renewable procurement

Energy and ancillary services markets

Not currently a major barrier, but reforms would help encourage more flexible resources and demand response and shift revenue from capacity to energy markets

Reductions in use of capacity markets and incentives for greater flexibility could better integrate renewables but may not have significant implications for bilateral procurement

Hybrid resource market participation

An increasing share of new solar is coupled with storage as a hybrid, but RTO market rules do not yet fully accommodate hybrid participation in the markets

Improved market rules will ease the development of hybrid resources and improve procurement

DER wholesale market participation

FERC has ordered all RTOs to revise their market rules to allow for the participation of distributed resources to participate in the wholesale markets

DER participation in the markets can allow more storage and demand-side resources to balance renewables, increasing the value of the contracts, and can provide additional revenue to local government-owned DERs, including solar and storage resources

Stakeholder processes

The complexity and time commitment of RTO stakeholder processes and decision-making are often barriers to participation

Both local governments and supporters of renewable energy can face difficulties in ensuring that barriers are reduced for renewable energy procurement

Notes: DER = distributed energy resource; FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; MOPR = Minimum Offer Price Rule; RTO = regional transmission organization.

Source: Authors.

Growth and Multijurisdictional Constraints

Both within and outside of RTOs, the dramatic growth of renewable resources necessitates a rapid adaptation of rules and procedures to effectively accommodate the changing resource mix and new technologies, including ensuring sufficient flexibility by demand response, storage, and complementary renewables to support the fluctuating output of renewable resources. RTO decision-making and implementation of market rule changes will need to be accelerated, as will the development of coordinated markets and improvements to transmission planning in non-RTO regions.

It would be beneficial to accelerate the planning and construction of transmission in all regions—from the current time frame of 5–10 years—to meet the construction time frame for new renewable resources—about 2–4 years, with shorter time frames for solar (EIA 2021a; Pfeifenberger 2021). One strategy would be to initiate planning for such transmission based on projected renewable procurement prior to the start of resource development.

This time frame is further complicated by the multiple jurisdictions and regulatory entities involved and by the conflicts that have arisen between the federally regulated RTOs and the state and local authorities and legislative bodies, including

  • state public utility commissions, which generally regulate distribution utilities (and vertically integrated utilities that operate within some RTOs);
  • local regulatory authorities that oversee the public power and rural electric cooperative utilities, which are often not subject to state commission authority;
  • state legislatures that implement renewable procurement standards, other clean energy mandates, and policies such as emissions reduction targets and subsidies for clean energy, which determine or influence renewable procurements; and
  • local government entities that conduct their own procurement of clean energy.

Moreover, regional and larger-scale interregional transmission projects are subject to federal, state, and local siting and permitting requirements and often require approvals from multiple states.


Whereas solar energy has grown significantly on the distribution side, there remains a need for larger utility-scale solar and wind resources. Wind and solar benefit from economies of scale, such that the most cost-effective projects are larger and are located in more remote areas, where there is the potential for large amounts of available land (Caspary et al. 2021). A significant expansion of transmission capacity will be required to fully access renewable resources being developed where the most cost-effective location is geographically distant from load centers (DOE 2021; Gramlich and Caspary 2021; NASEM 2021; NREL 2021; ScottMadden 2020; Unel 2020). Further, because the best locations for wind and solar resources are different from those of retiring coal and nuclear resources, future transmission needs will diverge from those of the past (Gramlich and Caspary 2021). Transmission can also balance the intermittency of renewable resources by integrating a more diverse array of resources from different locations (Gramlich and Caspary 2021; Pfeifenberger 2021; ScottMadden 2020).

Significant investments in transmission will be needed to both connect new renewable energy development to population centers and to obtain the full benefits from RTO dispatches of a wide array of diverse resources. As one example of the potential need to expand the transmission system, Princeton University projects that to achieve economy-wide net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, wind and solar electricity generating capacity would need to increase fourfold—to approximately 600 gigawatts (GW)—and the high-voltage transmission capacity would need to expand by roughly 60 percent to deliver such renewable power to where it is needed (Larson et al. 2020). There are three broad areas where improvements are needed to accelerate the expansion of transmission: transmission planning, interconnection, and cost allocation (Box 3).

Box 3 | FERC Consideration of Transmission, Cost Allocation, and Generator Interconnection Issues

A significant opportunity for improvements in these policy areas has opened up with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issuance in July 2021 of the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Building for the Future through Electric Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation and Generator Interconnection.a Over 100 parties filed extensive comments, including recommendations for potential reforms and improvements within these topic areas.

It is worth noting that although this working paper is directed at the transmission rules and policies of regional transmission organizations (RTOs), the processes operated by the non-RTO planning regions—covering the Southeast and non-RTO West—are generally considered to be opaque, with limited public participation and essentially no regional planning. These regions primarily rely on the utilities’ determination of transmission needs rather than a regional approach.b

Sources: a. FERC 2021a; b. Gramlich and Caspary 2021; Howe et al. 2021.

Transmission planning

As states and local governments set significant renewable energy targets, the need for an expansion of the grid to meet the growth of renewable resources is greater than ever. As of 2020, there were 680 GW of renewable energy in RTO and most non-RTO utility interconnection queues, equal to 90 percent of all generation. In addition, there were 200 GW of storage, which, when added to the renewable generation, accounted for 92 percent of the total capacity in the queues (Rand et al. 2021).5 Interconnection queues comprise projects that have requested interconnection to the transmission system and are undergoing a system impact study to determine what equipment and upgrades are required. Solar energy accounted for 462 GW, or 61 percent, of all active generator capacity in the queue (Rand et al. 2021), nearly eight times the current operational capacity of utility-scale solar, just over 59.5 GW as of December 2021 (EIA 2021b). As discussed below, however, not all of the capacity in the queue will be built.

Ten years ago, in recognition of the need for further improvements in the regional transmission planning process, FERC issued Order No. 1000. This order addressed improvements in transmission planning in both RTO and non-RTO regions, including allowing for greater competition from nonincumbent transmission developers, incorporating public policy requirements into transmission planning, improving cost allocation methodologies, and expanding interregional transmission coordination (FERC 2021a). But many shortcomings remain in the transmission planning processes in both RTO and non-RTO entities, including the following:

  • Transmission construction is often focused on rebuilding the current infrastructure rather than planning for future scenarios that incorporate shifts to demand and new technologies. These future scenarios may include considerations around the growth of renewable resources driven by policy requirements and consumer preferences, increased building and transportation electrification, expansions of distributed energy resources (DERs), generator retirements, and alternatives to transmission (FERC 2021a; Gramlich and Caspary 2021; Unel 2020).
  • Planning processes tend to be conducted separately for different purposes, such as for reliability, economics, or public policy, rather than a process that holistically incorporates the full range of benefits of transmission (FERC 2021a; Gramlich and Caspary 2021; Pfeifenberger 2021).
  • There has been limited development of larger interregional projects that are needed to access the full scope of renewable resources and deliver them to areas of greatest demand. FERC did not create a structured process for coordinating interregional transmission, leading different regions to adopt their own processes and methods for evaluating these projects (Gramlich and Caspary 2021; ScottMadden 2020; Unel 2020).
  • Many of the transmission projects built in recent years address local reliability needs or replace facilities at the end of their life, and most of these are exempt from the regional planning process (FERC 2021a; Gramlich and Caspary 2021; Pfeifenberger 2021). Moreover, there is essentially no regional planning in the non-RTO footprint.
  • Competition has been extremely limited in the construction of new transmission infrastructure (Unel 2020). Out of more than 800 line-related transmission projects within commission-jurisdictional transmission planning regions that were scheduled to go into service, just 4 were selected as part of a competitive bidding process (FERC 2021i).
  • Few projects have been developed to address public policy needs, as specified in Order No. 1000, largely due to the absence of specific criteria or directions from FERC for incorporating public policy into the transmission planning process, along with limited state input into the planning process (FERC 2021a; Gramlich and Caspary 2021; Unel 2020).6
  • Although Order No. 1000 required that transmission planning provide comparable consideration to “non-wires alternatives,” such as energy efficiency, demand response, and grid-enhancing technologies (including the use of storage as transmission) that improve transmission efficiency, no minimum standards were established by FERC for such alternatives and no cost recovery exists. Therefore, these alternatives have not been adequately considered in the planning processes (DOE 2021; Gramlich and Caspary 2021; Howe et al. 2021; Unel 2020). However, FERC recently issued a final rule requiring the use of one such technology: ambient-adjusted line ratings (FERC 2021b).
  • Limited state input on the expected siting constraints for transmission hinders the planning process (Gramlich and Caspary 2021), and inadequate public participation fails to identify and address public concerns about siting (Howe et al. 2021).

These shortcomings in regional and interregional transmission planning have placed additional pressure on the interconnection process. Rather than planning the transmission system comprehensively for future resource development, the interconnection process has limited interaction with transmission planning and addresses resources seeking to interconnect on a case-by-case basis (Caspary et al. 2021; FERC 2021a).

The current interconnection system is characterized by significant delays. Available data on projects in the queue show that just one-quarter of the projects proposed between 2000 and 2015 have been completed, and those rates are lower for renewable resources: 16 percent for solar and 19 percent for wind. Moreover, the median wait time increased from just under 2.0 years for projects built between 2000 and 2009 to about 3.5 years for those built between 2010 and 2020 (Rand et al. 2021). For wind and solar, the median wait times were longer, equal to 3.2 years for projects completed through 2009 and 4.6 for later years (analysis of data from Rand et al. 2021).7

Transmission cost allocation

Order No. 1000 established six regional cost allocation principles, including specifying that costs must be allocated to those in the region that benefit from the facilities. Local transmission (the transmission facilities located within a transmission provider’s retail service territory) does not have to be approved at the regional or interregional level unless that transmission provider seeks to have those facilities subject to cost allocation (FERC 2021a).

Allocating the costs of a transmission project enables it to move forward and provides the developer with greater certainty. But the manner in which cost allocation has been implemented for transmission reinforces the shortcomings of transmission planning. Cost allocation can also be difficult and controversial when multiple parties are involved (FERC 2021a; Pfeifenberger 2021). Some observers note that utilities tend to prefer local individual projects that are not included in regional transmission planning and therefore are not subject to cost allocation among multiple parties over broader portfolios of projects. Such local projects are not included in the regional plan and thus avoid being subject to competition (Peskoe 2021; Pfeifenberger 2021). Moreover, cost allocation tends to be performed separately for projects that address specific needs (reliability, economics, or public policy) rather than in a manner that recognizes the multiple values of transmission (FERC 2021a) and, as noted, does not include non-wires alternatives to transmission.

Cost allocation also plays an important role in the withdrawal of projects from the interconnection queue. The procedures and agreements for generation interconnection were established in a very different era than today. FERC Order No. 2003, issued in 2003, standardized these procedures at a time when almost all new interconnecting generators were fired by natural gas (Gramlich and Caspary 2021). Order No. 2003 established a default rule that the costs of upgrades to facilities and equipment between the generation source and the point of interconnection are paid for by the first generator to interconnect, which is known as participant funding. Instead of a holistic process, each interconnection is reviewed independently as the project enters the queue (Gramlich and Caspary 2021).

Under participant funding, the initial entity pays for the needed upgrade and later interconnections are assigned a lower cost. Thus, project developers do not know if they will be assigned these initial higher costs and are incentivized to enter multiple queues and cancel projects with higher interconnection costs (FERC 2021a; Gramlich and Caspary 2021). Because RTOs must study all interconnection requests, this cycle has caused significant delays. Moreover, assigning costs to the first generator does not correctly align the receipt of the benefits of the transmission upgrade with the payment of the costs (Gramlich and Caspary 2021).

Other transmission-related considerations

Another transmission barrier concerns those projects that interconnect to dual-use feeders, which are subject to both state and federal interconnection approval. For example, when a project first interconnects on the distribution system, and then decides to participate in a wholesale market, the feeder becomes subject to FERC jurisdiction. In that case, all subsequent projects on that feeder must use the FERC-regulated interconnection processes rather than state-regulated interconnection process. Because the FERC process is generally more costly, slower, and riskier, developers may drop out under this circumstance. But this issue may potentially be resolved in the implementation of Order No. 2222, which allows DERs to use the state interconnection process (AEE 2021).


Many observers note that energy, ancillary services, and capacity markets were primarily designed for more conventional fossil fuel and nuclear plants and will require a redesign to incorporate solar and other renewable resources (Cleary and Ratz 2021; Gramlich 2021; Unel 2020; WRI 2020). As explained in Ratz et al. (2021, 7), “While organized wholesale markets are central to providing access to renewable energy and improving integration of clean energy technologies, barriers to clean energy development can arise if the markets do not adapt to changing technologies and goals considering their role managing the grid.”

Resource adequacy and capacity accreditation

All RTOs except ERCOT require load-serving entities (LSEs)8 within their footprint to meet a resource adequacy requirement, which is the RTO-determined (with FERC approval) level of capacity needed to meet the projected highest level of demand in a year, plus an additional reserve margin to account for the uncertainty of available generation and load forecasts. In areas outside of the jurisdiction of RTOs, LSEs are still subject to reliability requirements based on a target reserve margin, approved by state commissions or local regulatory authorities.

To determine if the LSE has met its reliability obligation, RTOs measure the capacity value of the LSE’s owned or contracted resources, also referred to as capacity accreditation. Capacity accreditation for conventional resources begins with a determination of the maximum output that is then adjusted downward for historical forced outage rates.9 In contrast, renewable resources are measured based on their actual performance during specified hours. A common justification for the different approaches is that solar and other renewable resources are dependent upon the amount of sun and wind and may not necessarily be available when most needed. But there are also similar constraints on the availability of conventional resources during times of system stress that are not captured by the forced outage rates, including limitations on their ability to ramp up quickly, constrained access to fuel or adverse impacts on their operating capability during severe weather events, and the need for maintenance outages. Moreover, units that do not operate may receive too high a capacity value because they do not have forced outages to report (Potomac Economics 2021).

Current approximations of capacity value look at an individual resource’s capacity in isolation and can overstate the reliability of certain resources because they do not capture the negative impacts of correlated outages, such as when constraints on the natural gas supply cause multiple natural gas plant outages or when drought or extreme temperatures impair the capabilities of nuclear plants (ESIG 2021). In PJM, this assumption has caused thermal outage rates to be understated in the capacity valuation methodologies (Baur et al. 2021). With a greater likelihood of more extreme weather events in the future, these correlated outages can be expected to occur more frequently (Rutigliano et al. 2021). Moreover, these approximations of capacity value do not always account for the beneficial correlation of certain resources’ availability with increases in load—as is the case with solar—and demand response, which tend to be at their highest levels during periods of peak demand (McDougall et al. 2021). Further improving the capacity value of renewables—especially solar—is the fact that they are increasingly developed in tandem with storage, creating “hybrid resources” with significantly lower variability than stand-alone renewable resources.

Many RTOs are in the process of reevaluating the methodology for determining capacity values and moving toward adopting a more sophisticated effective load-carrying capability (ELCC) method, which is an assessment of a resource’s contribution to system reliability within the context of the full array of resources and demand (FERC 2021g, 2021h). The ELCC method measures the additional load that a system can supply with a particular generator of interest, with no net change in reliability. It also recognizes the value of the complementary characteristics of a portfolio of resources, such as the diversity benefit of a combined solar-wind-storage fleet (ESIG 2021; Gramlich 2021; McDougall et al. 2021). However, it is not clear if ELCC is the optimal methodology to use.

Capacity markets

Four of the RTOs operate centralized capacity markets, and three of these—ISO-NE, PJM, and parts of the NYISO—oversee mandatory capacity markets. MISO operates a voluntary capacity market, as described in Appendix B. As noted previously, because LSEs are subject to reliability requirements, a capacity market is not necessary to ensure reliability.

In the mandatory capacity markets, LSEs are required to offer all their capacity, including owned or contracted resources, into periodic RTO-run capacity auctions. If that capacity is offered at too high a price, then it will not “clear” the auction and will not be counted toward the LSE’s reliability obligation. In that case, the LSE will have to purchase an equal amount from the auction, paying twice for that capacity (once to build or contract for the resource and a second time to purchase the same amount of capacity from the auction when it does not clear). A rational option, therefore, is that the entity that owns or contracts for a generating resource offers such capacity as a price taker by pricing the offer at zero dollars per megawatt (MW). The entity that owns or contracts the unit is not selling the capacity to another party and is thus indifferent to the auction price.

One set of barriers involves the current rules governing capacity market constructs, which can have far-reaching consequences that affect clean energy resources sold through long-term bilateral contracts. Utility-scale solar and other renewable projects are capital-intensive and use bilateral contracts (such as PPAs) as a guaranteed revenue stream over a long time horizon, which allows the seller to obtain lower-cost financing for the project (Gramlich 2021). Capacity market auction rules and the determination of the capacity value of such resources can create additional complexities for bilateral contracting, depending upon how the contract is structured.10

States within the mandatory capacity market RTOs have been pursuing decarbonization strategies that entail the procurement of greater amounts of renewable resources and payments to nuclear plants to prevent their retirement. Because such resources are offered into the capacity auction at a zero or low price, as explained above, they lower the clearing price paid to all capacity in the market. Entities whose earnings are more dependent on capacity market revenue, such as merchant natural gas plant owners, have successfully advocated for rule changes to prevent such state actions from lowering the clearing price. These efforts resulted in a significant expansion of the Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) in ISO-NE and PJM, and the analogous buyer-side mitigation (BSM) rule in the NYISO—both significant barriers to renewable energy development (Gramlich and Goggin 2019; Ho 2021; Patton et al. 2021; Rutigliano 2021).

Under the MOPR and BSM, new renewable resources supported by a state, political subdivision, or utility program can be forced to offer into the capacity auctions at a higher price. This raises the risk that the resource will not clear the auction, requiring the LSE to pay twice for the same amount of capacity. Because local governments fall under the political subdivision category, this rule can be interpreted as applicable to their procurement of renewable energy. The companion paper on local government engagement noted that PJM’s MOPR “increased uncertainty over future market rules and delayed capacity auctions have impacted the developers local governments work with,” resulting in projects being “stalled or canceled, threatening their ability to meet their goals and increasing the development costs of projects that do move forward” (Ratz et al. 2021, 10).

These rules, however, are undergoing a significant transition; all three RTOs are in the process of significantly reforming their MOPRs and BSMs as follows:

  • FERC approved PJM’s proposal to significantly narrow the applicability of the MOPR to state-sponsored resources, which would be followed by continued stakeholder discussions on further capacity market reforms (PJM 2021). Although the proposal took effect in late September 2021, disagreement among the four FERC commissioners stalled any formal order.
  • ISO-NE had stated that it planned to work with stakeholders to develop a proposal to FERC that would eliminate the MOPR in time for the capacity auction to be held in February 2023, which will procure capacity for the June 2026–May 2027 time frame (McCarthy and Gillespie 2021). However, the ISO recently changed course, throwing its support behind a plan to delay the elimination of the MOPR (Mintz 2022).
  • The NYISO has proposed exempting clean energy resources from its BSM rules pursuant to New York State’s 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. With the exception of some opposition to the NYISO’s “marginal capacity accreditation” framework that was paired with the BSM rule change, this proposal has sweeping, cross-stakeholder support (Howland 2022).

The outcomes of these MOPR and BSM proceedings will be critical for solar energy, especially that which is developed pursuant to state decarbonization laws and policies. Other reforms may also be needed, such as moving away from mandatory capacity markets and implementing voluntary markets to prevent the reinstatement of problematic rule changes in the future (Rutigliano 2021).

Energy and ancillary services markets

Aside from the significant barriers created by the MOPR and BSM, capacity markets generally benefit conventional resources, which have higher operating costs than renewable resources that are generally zero marginal cost resources. Therefore, conventional resources see a greater benefit from participating in a capacity market that provides revenue based on their availability to generate energy rather than the actual production of energy, which is sold separately in the energy market (Bialek et al. 2021; Mays et al. 2019).

Solar and other renewables would benefit from a market design that shifts more revenue to the energy and ancillary services markets and away from the capacity market. But increasing levels of zero marginal cost renewables can also contribute to reductions in energy prices, which, in turn, reduce revenues from that market. The prevalence of bilateral contracting and the sale of RECs offer some protection from these reduced revenues. Yet they do not entirely shield solar from declining prices because energy prices can influence prices paid through bilateral contracts (ERCOT 2021d; Potomac Economics 2021). For example, if the forecasted energy market prices decrease, the buyer would likely lower the price it is willing to pay. The certainty of a long-term contract, however, is beneficial for the seller because it reduces the seller’s risk.

One option for improving prices in the energy and ancillary services markets would be to strengthen scarcity pricing rules, whereby prices are allowed to reach very high levels during times of tight supply. All of the RTOs allow some form of scarcity pricing, and many are seeking to enhance these rules. It is essential that scarcity pricing rules include both demand-side participation and consumer protections, such as limitations on the ceiling or duration of such high prices (known as “circuit breakers”; FERC 2021j). Moreover, wholesale purchasers of energy via bilateral contracts (such as utilities and local governments) are hedged from most scarcity pricing, and retail customers do not see such prices reflected in their bills unless they choose such a rate (Gramlich 2021). Scarcity pricing and other reforms have the potential to shift revenue from capacity to energy and ancillary services markets to the benefit of renewable resources. They also could provide incentives for flexible resources, including storage and demand-side resources, that can help address the intermittency of renewable resources and incentivize buyers to sign long-term contracts to hedge against these prices (Bialek et al. 2021; Gramlich 2021; Hogan and Littell 2020).

In addition to energy and ancillary service pricing reforms, additional ancillary service products may be needed to balance the intermittency of renewable resources, such as for the sale of ramping capability (FERC 2021j). Such products help ensure sufficient flexibility, but many ancillary services can themselves be provided by solar and other renewable resources, leading to additional revenue opportunities (Gramlich 2021; Milligan 2018). Although not discussed in detail here, the ability of solar to provide certain ancillary services is well documented, and expanding access to markets for ancillary services could increase the revenue for solar generation (Kahrl et al. 2021).

Integration of New Resource Types

Hybrid resources

Although a widely agreed upon definition has not been established at FERC and the RTOs, the term hybrid resources may include two or more generating resources that share a single point of interconnection and are either modeled and dispatched as separate resources (also known as colocated resources) or modeled and dispatched as a single integrated resource (FERC 2021e). Hybrid resources have multiple benefits, but their rapid growth presents challenges to the RTOs, which have had little operational experience with hybrid resources (FERC 2021e).

In 2020, hybrid resources that included solar represented 159 GW, or 34 percent, of all solar in interconnection queues, compared to only 6 percent of all wind capacity in queues. The vast majority were solar-plus-storage installations, with small amounts of solar plus wind or natural gas. In 2019, 28 percent of solar and 5 percent of wind projects in the queue were hybrid resources (Rand et al. 2021). One reason for this increasing addition of storage to solar facilities is that under certain configurations, the storage component of the hybrid resources can access federal investment tax credits for solar projects (FERC 2021e; Gensler and Wray 2020).

Developing solar as a hybrid with storage offers multiple benefits in addition to the tax credit. These include an increase in the combined capacity value of the solar hybrid; reduced solar curtailments; improvements in the ability of the solar resource to provide ancillary services; and cost efficiencies through the sharing of the solar and storage permitting, siting, equipment, and interconnection costs (FERC 2021e).

Some of the key measures that can be undertaken by RTOs to maximize the full potential benefits of hybrid resources include, among other steps, revising transmission interconnection rules to ensure that developers do not lose their queue position if a resource is upgraded from a stand-alone solar (or other renewable) resource to a hybrid; updating the market rules and improving the modeling of hybrid resources to allow their full participation in the wholesale markets; and avoiding burdensome metering requirements, such as by recognizing where a hybrid can participate through a single meter (Gensler and Wray 2020).

FERC has recognized both the value to the grid and the challenges of hybrid resources by opening a docket on this topic that has, as of 2021, included a technical conference, the issuance of a white paper, and reports from the RTOs on the status of their efforts to better integrate hybrid resources into the markets. Meanwhile, all RTOs have a process in place to develop market rule changes to better integrate hybrid resources into the markets and transmission interconnection processes (FERC 2021e, n.d.a).

Distributed energy resources

In September 2020, FERC issued Order No. 2222, which requires the RTOs to revise their tariffs to facilitate the participation of DER aggregators in all RTO energy, ancillary services, and capacity markets. DERs are any resources located on the distribution system, any subsystem thereof, or behind a customer meter. DERs include small, flexible resources, such as customer-sited batteries, electric vehicles, rooftop solar, and smart thermostats. Aggregations are typically needed for such resources to participate in the wholesale markets because they tend to be too small to meet the minimum size requirements of those markets.

Under Order No. 2222, the RTOs are required to revise their tariffs to establish DER aggregators as a type of market participant that can register aggregations under one or more participation models that accommodate their physical and operational characteristics. These tariff revisions must establish a minimum size requirement for DER aggregations of no more than 100 kilowatts, and they must address various technical and operational issues, including locational requirements, bidding parameters, metering and telemetry, coordination between relevant parties and authorities, modifications to aggregations, and market participation agreements.

There are two broad categories of benefits for solar energy that will be created by implementing Order No. 2222. First, DERs in wholesale markets provide a new set of flexible resources that will serve to balance the variability of solar. Second, DER participation in the markets will also provide opportunities for new revenue streams for rooftop and community solar projects (AEE 2021).

FERC gave the RTOs a significant amount of flexibility in how they comply with Order No. 2222, and the extent of DER participation in the wholesale markets will partly depend on the details of the RTO tariff revisions. The willingness of distribution utilities to remove impediments to DER participation in the wholesale markets is also crucial for this success (AEE 2021).

As of February 2022, four RTOs had filed their implementation plans with FERC. Only two RTOs filed their compliance plans by the July 2021 due date (CAISO and the NYISO), and four (ISO-NE, MISO, PJM, and the SPP) received deadline extensions. MISO and the SPP will be submitting their filings in April 2022.

There are a number of issues to be addressed in these compliance filings to achieve the full scope of benefits of DER market participation, including the following:

  • Fully accrediting these resources for their capacity value in the wholesale market
  • Harmonizing DER participation in both retail and wholesale markets while preventing double counting of revenues from each market
  • Allowing DERs to update their day-ahead offers prior to the real-time market
  • Ensuring that the metering fully captures the performance of DERs but does not impose burdensome and unnecessary telemetry and metering requirements
  • Avoiding maximum capacity limits on front-of-meter distribution system resources, such as community solar
  • Developing rules and procedures to ensure that resources with state interconnection approvals can participate in the wholesale markets (AEE 2021)

RTO Decision-Making and Stakeholder Processes

Engaging in the stakeholder process is one of the best ways to address RTO rules and procedures that present barriers to solar. But consumer and environmental advocates have expressed concerns about the inability of all stakeholders to have a voice in this process (Donovan et al. 2021a; Ratz et al. 2021). As noted, the companion paper by Ratz et al. (2021) serves as a guide for such participation of local governments at the RTO and FERC levels.

A key impediment to a more equitable stakeholder process is the highly technical and time-intensive nature of decision-making at the RTOs, which benefits entities with greater staff and resources and makes participation more difficult for smaller community, consumer, and environmental groups. These barriers to participation also exist in FERC proceedings, which can be exacerbated by often tight time frames for submitting comments (Box 4). There is evidence that these barriers adversely impact the participation of smaller renewable generation developers. Analyses of the stakeholder processes have found that transmission owners, generation owners with large asset portfolios, and generation owners with a high concentration of natural gas generation are more likely to be active participants in senior-level stakeholder committees (Blumsack et al. 2021), which provide the final feedback to the RTO boards of directors (Parent et al. 2021). Further, this complex and lengthy decision-making process can make it difficult for the RTOs to implement market rule reforms within the time frame that matches the policy and technology developments required for decarbonization.

RTOs vary in the level of participation afforded to nonmarket participants in stakeholder processes, such as local governments, consumer advocates, and environmental groups. Local governments that wish to become members can participate in the RTO end-use sector, along with entities such as industrial customers. Nonprofit environmental organizations can become members in most RTOs, but they are included in the end-use sector in ISO-NE and ERCOT and in the public power sector in NYISO, meaning that the environmental groups may be grouped with entities whose interests differ markedly and where their voting power is diluted. MISO environmental nonprofits have their own voting sector. In PJM, environmental interests are represented by a user group that makes an annual presentation to the board but does not have voting rights (Blumsack et al. 2021). Moreover, states often have a limited say in RTO decisions regarding resource adequacy in regions with mandatory capacity markets (Chen and Murnan 2019).

Public information is limited about RTO decision-making, with significant variation in the transparency of the stakeholder process, including whether various committee and board meetings are open to the public and whether minutes and agendas are made available to the public (Blumsack et al. 2021; Konschnik 2019; Parent et al. 2021).

Box 4 | Establishment of the Office of Public Participation at FERC

To improve stakeholder processes within regional transmission organizations (RTOs), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recently established the Office of Public Participation (OPP). OPP’s responsibilities include outreach, public education, procedural assistance to intervenors and participants in commission proceedings, technical assistance, recommendations for improvements for public participation, and an intervenor funding program.a OPP has been seeking input through workshops and public feedback on how technical assistance can improve participation in commission proceedings. Improving public participation at the commission is a positive step, but it is also essential to improve the ease of participation by environmental, community, and consumer groups as well as local governments at the RTO and independent system operator levels. The extent to which the OPP will seek to take direct steps to improve RTO stakeholder processes is not yet known. Additional details of the OPP structure and functions will be determined by the director, who assumed her role in late November 2021.b

Sources: a. FERC 2021f; b. FERC 2021d, 2021f.

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