Unlocking Early-Stage Financing for SDG Partnerships


This research would not have been possible without the support of our strategic partners, who provide core funding to WRI: the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

The publication is by WRI, in collaboration with P4G and the GIIN. The authors are grateful for the contributions of the entire P4G team, specifically the support of Robyn McGuckin and Sarbinder Singh. We also thank the following individuals for their report contributions: Kylee Barton (Glen Echo Group), Brad Williamson (Glen Echo Group), Garrett Jaso (GIIN), Lynda Radosevich (GIIN), Addisu Tadege Animaw (Sustainable Food Platform), Nicole Bendsen (GIZ), Jyoti Bodas (graduate student intern), Ben Broche (Climate Policy Initiative), Theo Brouwers (ACTIAM), Sergio Cardamas (SolaNetwork), Jon Carrick (InfraCo), Alex Densmore (Zonke Energy), Sandra Gonza (Circular Fashion Partnership), Alice Goodbrook (Energy Catalyst), Matt Guttentag (Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs), Els Haelterman (IDH), Tom Harrison (The Partnering Initiative), Tasnia Hassan Hazifa (Clean Water for All), Steven Hunt (UK Aid), Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu (ColdHubs), Kathleen Jean-Pierre (CrossBoundary), Stephanie Jones (Good Energies Foundation), Chris Klintworth (SIC), Manoj Kumar (Social Alpha), Florin Lanz (elea Foundation), Claudia Leifkes (GIZ), Anssi Mikola (RiverRecycle), Rachel Mountain (Energise Africa), Wanjiru Ngige (CrossBoundary Energy), Ogbemi Ofuya (Helios), Carla Orrego (Climate Policy Initiative), Cathy Oxby (GreenCo), Charlotte Pederson (N3F), Iulia Pojum (Circular Action International), Valentin Post (Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation & Health Mondial), Fin Poulson (DMDP), Shekar Prabhakar (Hasiru Dala), Robin Rawle (Africhar), Ann Runnel (Circular Fashion Partnership), Susanne Salz (GIZ), Amanda Sardonis (Harvard Kennedy School), Isona Shibata (Energise Africa), Darian Stibbe (The Partnering Initiative), and Bella Tonkonogy (Climate Policy Initiative).

This report was strengthened through detailed peer review by Ayesha Bery (Convergence Finance), Roberta Bove (GAIN Health), Esther Choi (WRI), Rebecca Egan (USAID), Amanda Gant (WRI), Stephan Huber (Swiss Re), Songbae Lee (USAID), Xiaozhen Li (WRI), Shuang Liu (WRI), Christine Looney (Ford Foundation), Kevin Moss (WRI), Carlos Muñoz Pina (WRI), Vanessa Perez (WRI), Jing Song (WRI), Sophia Surderji (GIIN), and Dorine Wytema (WRI).

This research was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

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