How Multistakeholder Partnerships Can Accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals



We are pleased to acknowledge our institutional strategic partners, who provide core funding to WRI: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

This publication is by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in collaboration with Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals (P4G), the Global Green Growth Insitute (GGGI), and the World Economic Forum (WEF). The authors are grateful for the contributions of the entire P4G team, without which this reseach would not be possible—in particular, Ian de Cruz, Robyn McGuckin, and Katherine Camp. Additionally, the authors thank the following individuals for their report contributions: Diana Quezada (GGGI), Susanne Pedersen (GGGI), Tim van den Bergh (WEF), Anne Marie Engtoft Larsen (WEF), Maria Hart (WRI), Frank Walter (Impala Communications), and Renilde Beque.

This report was further strengthened through detailed peer review by Amanda Sardonis (Harvard Kennedy School), Ani Dasgupta (WRI), Anne Maassen (WRI), Carlos Munoz Pina (WRI), Charlotte Breen (C40), Chirag Gajjar (WRI), Claire Defossez (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark), Craig Hanson (WRI), Darian Stibbe (The Partnering Intiative), Dario Piselli (Graduate Institute of Geneva), Deborah Drew (WRI), Diana Quezada (GGGI), Eliot Metgzer (WRI), Emma Colenbrander (Global Distibutors Collective), Frank Walter (Impala Communications), Guido Rutten (IDH Trade), Hallie Preskill (FSG), Helen Mountford (WRI), Jagriti Arora (WRI), Janet Ranganathan (WRI), Jennifer Layke (WRI), Joohee Kim (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, South Korea), Kevin Moss (WRI), Kyra Reumann-Moore (P4G), Laura Malaguzzi Valeri (WRI), Madeleine Galvin (WRI), Manish Bapna (WRI), Michelle Manion (WRI), Pamil Deka (WRI), Raquel Szomstein (P4G), Sangeetha Sarma (P4G), Steve Schmida (Resonance), Thierry van Helden (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark), and Zoraya Hightower (Resonance).

This research was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

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