How Multistakeholder Partnerships Can Accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals



4IR Fourth Industrial Revolution
AGRA Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa
AMC Advance Market Commitment
AxS Alianza por la Sostenibilidad
BEPP Built Environment Performance Plan
CCS carbon capture and storage
CCWG Clean Cargo Working Group
CEIA Clean Energy Investment Accelerator
CNCA Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance
CSO civil society organization
CSP City Support Programme
CSLF Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum
DFID UK Department for International Development
EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology
GCF Green Climate Fund
GDC Global Distributors Collective
GGGI Global Green Growth Institute
GHG greenhouse gas
GPAP Global Plastics Action Partnership
IPBES Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
MELR monitoring, evaluation, learning, and reporting
MSC Marine Stewardship Council
OBP Ocean-Bound Plastic
P4G Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals
PACE Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy
REBA Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance
RSPO Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil
SAC Sustainable Apparel Coalition
SDG United Nations Sustainable Development Goal
SOTA State of the Art
TFA Tropical Forest Alliance
TOC Theory of change
TPI The Partnering Initiative
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
WEF World Economic Forum
WLB Series Women’s Livelihood Bond SeriesTM
WMB We Mean Business
WRI World Resources Institute
WWF World Wildlife Fund
ZEBRA Zero Emission Rapid Bus-Deployment Accelerator
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