Untangling the Finance Goal

An Introduction to the New Collective Quantified Goal


In 2009, at the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15), developed countries committed to provide US$30 billion in “fast-start” finance between 2010 and 2012, with a balanced allocation between adaptation and mitigation. Developed country Parties also committed, in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation, to a goal of jointly mobilizing $100 billion annually by 2020 to help developing nations pay for their climate efforts. At COP21 (2015), the time frame was extended through 2025; one of the key climate finance milestones at COP21 was a mandate to set a new collective quantified goal (NCQG) prior to 2025.

To date, developed countries have not fully delivered the $100 billion goal in any year. In addition to the quantity of finance, the quality of the resources being made available has been questioned. One of the features related to the quality of climate finance is the type of financial instrument used. As of 2020, loans represented the largest share (approximately 71 percent) of climate finance mobilized so far toward the $100 billion goal, whereas grants represented 26 percent (OECD 2022). Almost 60 percent of the lowest-income economies are already in or at high risk of debt distress, which includes 13 climate-vulnerable countries (IMF 2022a; Mustapha 2022). Loans could contribute to countries’ debt burden.

The global context differs significantly today from when the $100 billion goal was first announced. In 2019, global gross domestic product (GDP) was growing at an annual rate of 2.8 percent; however, when the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, it contracted by 3.3 percent (IMF 2021). In addition, global growth projections have decreased from 6.1 percent for 2022 to 3.6 percent for 2023 due also to the impacts of the war in Ukraine (IMF 2022b) and global supply chain issues. Climate finance needs are particularly acute in developing countries, and strong support will be a critical enabler for developing countries to contribute to meeting the adaptation and mitigation goals of the Paris Agreement. These goals are also expected to be enabled by Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement. The article calls for a global effort to make financial flows consistent with its mitigation and adaptation goals, in a context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and reflecting the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC), in the light of different national circumstances. To date, there is no common understanding of how Article 2.1c will be incorporated into the NCQG; dialogues on Article 2.1c and its complementarity with Article 9, which outlines the main responsibilities from developed to developing countries on finance matters are assessed as part of this paper.

In 2021, formal NCQG deliberations were launched at COP26, and they will continue through 2024. Parties have agreed that the deliberations will consist of an ad hoc work program (AHWP), submissions from Parties and non-Party stakeholders, high-level ministerial dialogues (HLMDs), and stocktakes and guidance by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA), which is the group of countries that have signed and ratified the Paris Agreement.

The main objective of this working paper is to present a simple overview of five key elements considered within the NCQG deliberations. The paper provides a snapshot of each potential element—including the views of negotiating groups and Parties—and what is at stake. The paper does not delve into all the options and views presented by all actors; thus, other elements could be added to the discussion.

This paper seeks to inform a wide audience involved with shaping national policies, such as government officials from different ministries (e.g., finance, line ministries in charge of implementing nationally determined contributions), climate finance experts, and others interested in following the climate finance negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

This paper begins by providing the context in which the NCQG negotiations are taking place, including an analysis of the relevant decisions adopted within UNFCCC negotiations. It then goes on to discuss five key elements under deliberation as part of the process of setting the NCQG. The paper starts with discussions around the quantity of the goal, then the themes that the goal could potentially fund, the time frame within which the goal should be achieved, the contributors responsible for providing the flows toward the goal, and the transparency arrangements to ensure accountability. The paper concludes with reflections on how the negotiators can continue to progress toward a successful outcome on the NCQG.


This paper is based primarily on analyses of discussions that have taken place through the elements of the NCQG negotiation process (Table 1) and as a result of the COP27 decision on the NCQG (Decision 5/CMA.4). First, the author analyzed all Party and non-Party stakeholder submissions to the UNFCCC of relevance to the NCQG to identify and classify potential NCQG elements, including quantity, thematic areas, time frame, contributors, and transparency arrangements. The submission analysis was complemented by conversations during the technical expert dialogues (TEDs), in reflection notes prepared by cochairs after each TED, and at the 2022 HLMD. The paper does not provide an exhaustive list of all elements. Instead, it focuses on those deemed most critical to the success of the negotiations at this stage. Some additional elements not included here, such as the ease of access to climate finance or the financial instruments that could be deployed, may be covered in later publications.

The assessment of the NCQG process elements was accompanied by additional sources, including publications by other research institutions, including ODI, the Rocky Mountain Institute, and Oxfam, which have written about the $100 billion goal, NCQG, and climate finance in the international context.

From this information, this paper distills the most vital negotiation elements that negotiators will need to consider and find consensus. This paper does not intend to provide a comprehensive list of all elements but rather to clarify the issues at stake in the negotiations and help inform and guide the NCQG process.

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