Stories Behind the Adaptation Commitments in the Nationally Determined Contributions of Cambodia, Rwanda, Colombia, and Fiji

Appendix A: Interview Questions

Developing the Adaptation Component of NDCS: Semistructured Interview Questions for Country Experts


The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand the process that countries have gone through to produce the adaptation section of their NDCs. We are interested in getting a deeper understanding of how countries created the adaptation section of their NDCs in the last two cycles of NDC development. We want to understand the main challenges and barriers that they faced as well as the enabling factors that facilitated their development. The following questions are meant to serve as a guide to enable a semistructured interview.

Section 1: Broad questions 

  1. Can you describe your current role and if/how you were involved in the development of the first NDC and/or the updated NDC?  
  2. What role do you think the adaptation component of the NDC should play/will play in advancing the adaptation agenda in country?  

Section 2: NDC development process  

  1. Can you describe how the adaptation component of the updated NDC was developed?  
  2. How is the latest updated NDC aligned with other national plans and policies relevant for adaptation in country?  
    1. At what stage is the NAP process in your country? Was there a link between the NAP process and the adaptation section of the NDC?  
    2. Are there other adaptation processes that are important for NDC development?  
  3. Can you describe how the final list of adaptation actions was prioritized in the NDC?  

Section 3: Assessing Ambition 

  1. In your opinion, compared to the first NDC, is the adaptation component of the latest cycle of NDC submission more ambitious or less? 
    1. If you assess ambition has increased for adaptation, how and why do you think this is the case?  
    2. If ambition has remained unchanged or decreased, can you describe why this may be the case? What are some major gaps and barriers that have impeded the increase in adaptation ambition? 
  2. Are mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation for adaptation built into the NDC?  
  3. Were costs and indicators/targets for adaptation actions developed? Who developed them and how?  
  4. Does the NDC include options to address the underlying causes of vulnerability; address issues affecting different groups of women, men, boys, and girls; and are groups of people who are vulnerable to climate change identified and targeted with appropriate actions?  
  5. Were issues related to losses and damages from climate change included in the adaptation component of the NDC? What were they? Does the NDC effectively address losses and damages from climate change? Why or why not? 
  6. Were transformative adaptation actions identified and included in the NDC?  
    1. What does transformative adaptation mean to you? 
    2. What kinds of transformative actions were included in the NDC? 
  7. What are some of the major challenges for the development and implementation of the adaptation component of the NDC?
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