A roadmap for Michigan’s electric vehicle future

An assessment of the employment effects and just transition needs

List of Abbreviations

BEVbattery electric vehicle

BLSUS Bureau of Labor Statistics

CBAcommunity benefits agreement

CFMECouncil on Future Mobility and Electrification

CFSclean fuel standard

DOEUS Department of Energy

EGLEDepartment of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

EIAUS Energy Information Administration

EPAUS Environmental Protection Agency

EVelectric vehicle

EVSEelectric vehicle supply equipment

GMGeneral Motors

ICEinternal combustion engine

IIJAInfrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021

IRAInflation Reduction Act of 2022


LDVlight-duty vehicle

LEODepartment of Labor and Economic Opportunity

MDOTMichigan Department of Transportation

MEDCMichigan Economic Development Corporation

MSRPmanufacturer’s suggested retail price



OFMEOffice of Future Mobility and Electrification

R&Dresearch and development

STEMscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics

TCOTotal cost of ownership

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