Locally Led Climate Adaptation

What Is Needed to Accelerate Action and Support?



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We are pleased to acknowledge our institutional strategic partners that provide core funding to WRI: the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

The authors would like to thank many individuals—technical experts, civil society representatives, members of multilateral institutions such as the Asian Development Bank, and members of the Global Commission on Adaptation’s Locally Led Action Track—for their valuable insights and contributions in the consultation and interview stages of this research.

We would further like to thank Tamara Coger, Cristina Dengel, David Gibbs, Demetrio Innocenti, Gaia Larsen, Ayushi Trivedi, Sally Tyldesley, and Ani Waiba for their thoughtful feedback and comments during the peer review process for this paper. We are also grateful to Christina Chan and Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio for their insightful guidance and support at every stage of research, writing, and revising.

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