Lessons Learned on Green Stimulus

Case Studies from the Global Financial Crisis

Case Studies

United States

The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was the largest clean energy investment in U.S. history (Council of Economic Advisors 2016). The ARRA allocated about $94 billion to green measures, about 12 percent of the total package (Robins et al. 2010; ILO 2011).8 It also leveraged approximately $150 billion in private and other nonfederal capital for clean energy investments, according to the government (Council of Economic Advisors 2016). Unlike some other countries, the United States followed through on the vast majority of its promised green stimulus spending. Of the money allocated, 89 percent was eventually spent (see Figure 6) (Tienhaara 2018).

Figure 6 | US Green Stimulus Spending by Sector


Source: Tienhaara 2018.

ARRA allocations to all sectors were spent over a long time frame, peaking in 2010 but extending out for an entire decade. Some types of spending, like unemployment compensation, were disbursed quickly, while transport and energy infrastructure spending was a bit slower (Figure 7) (Congressional Budget Office 2015). The other concern with stimulus disbursement is that sometimes money went to projects that would have happened even without that funding, according to a survey of firms that received ARRA contracts (Jones and Rothschild 2011).

Figure 7 | Speed of Disbursal of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds by Category (2009–2019)


Source: Congressional Budget Office 2015.

The green investments in the ARRA created jobs. An after-the-fact assessment by the Obama administration found that the ARRA supported 900,000 job-years (full-time jobs over one year) in clean energy fields from 2009 to 2015, with most of the jobs created in the first few years after the stimulus (Council of Economic Advisors 2016). However, a recent peer-reviewed ex post evaluation concluded that while green ARRA spending increased total employment, it worked more slowly than other stimulus investments, with the jobs arising mostly from 2013 to 2017, so the question of timing is still up for debate (Popp et al. 2020). If job creation was slow, it could be because green programs experienced administrative delays, or more positively because the initial government investment facilitated private investment later. The jobs created were lasting rather than temporary, meaning that green investments led to durable changes in the economy. The study also noted that nearly all the jobs created by ARRA green investments were in manual labor, and most had lower wages than the average manual labor job. It found that green ARRA investments were much more likely to go to communities that already had green skills built up.

ARRA investments in the renewable energy sector were successful in creating short-term employment and spurred a clean energy revolution in the United States as capacity grew and prices dropped. Ex post studies shown in Table 3 found that renewable energy grants and loans created jobs. The grants program received $25.0 billion in funding, and the loans program originally received $6.0 billion, but Congress later reduced it to $2.5 billion. Still, the loans had a default rate of only 2.3 percent, less than had been built into the budget when the program began, and a comparable rate to similar private sector investments (Tienhaara 2018). Thanks to the ARRA and other investments and policy reforms, U.S. solar electricity generation increased over 30 times from 2008 to 2015, and wind generation has increased over three times (Council of Economic Advisors 2016). The number of wind turbine manufacturing facilities in the United States increased tenfold between 2004 and 2011 to reach 470. The share of wind turbine equipment manufactured domestically rose from 25 percent in 2006–07 to 72 percent in 2012 (Mundaca and Richter 2015).

The United States also made energy efficiency retrofits a priority during its recovery, as the projects could begin immediately. It increased the budgets of the Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program and State Energy Program by an order of magnitude (Council of Economic Advisors 2016; Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2015a). Ex post evaluations of both energy efficiency programs have found that they supported jobs and reduced emissions (see Table 3). The United States had success with its energy efficiency retrofits because it funneled spending through existing programs and provided comprehensive retrofit options that could be tailored for individual home needs. By contrast, Australia’s home retrofits program was not based on an existing program, so was implemented more slowly, and it only provided one technology, insulation, which was not effective for all homes (Tienhaara 2018).

U.S. spending on public transit created more jobs per dollar than spending on highways. The United States spent $8.4 billion specifically on public transit through the ARRA (U.S. Department of Transportation 2017). For some of the other ARRA transportation funding, states could choose where to use it and spent only $0.6 billion on public transit compared to $24.6 billion on roads. When states had the choice, $1 billion spent on public transit projects created 70 percent more job-hours than $1 billion spent on highways (Smart Growth America 2011).

Finally, ARRA spending on coastal habitat restoration was an effective job creator. It created about 17 job-years in the immediate term per $1 million spent, which is higher than for investments in fossil fuels (Edwards et al. 2013). There are also longer-term economic benefits, including increased property values, future job creation from rebounded fisheries and tourism, and resilience to climate impacts. The program had $167 million to disburse but received $3 billion in applications (Edwards et al. 2013). In a related area, $4 billion was spent on the Clean Water State Revolving Fund under the ARRA. Of that, 20 percent was set aside for green infrastructure water projects, but in the end that amount reached 30 percent. These projects included energy efficiency, green stormwater infrastructure, and water efficiency. They created thousands of jobs and saved millions of gallons of water (EPA 2015).

Some of the more complicated infrastructure projects and research and development (R&D) investments did not pan out. A total of $3.4 billion was allocated to carbon capture and storage, but $1.3 billion of that was returned as the projects were not proceeding fast enough (Agrawala et al. 2020). Concentrated solar power projects were also not as successful as was hoped, and long-distance direct current transmission infrastructure never started construction (Varro et al. 2020). Three years after ARRA, only 8 percent of the funding for high-speed rail had been disbursed (Congressional Research Service 2020). Governors in Florida, California, and Wisconsin even returned stimulus funding for intercity railways in their states due to political opposition, despite state analysis that such projects were a sound fiscal move (Tienhaara 2018).

The emissions impact of the ARRA is uncertain. In 2009 the U.S. government projected that without the ARRA, energy-related CO2 emissions would increase 4.1 percent from 2009 to 2019, but with the ARRA they would increase only 3.3 percent (U.S. EIA 2009). Instead of increasing, it turned out emissions decreased by 4.8 percent between 2009 and 2019, as energy efficiency improved and cheaper shale gas and renewable energy led to retirements of coal plants (U.S. EIA 2020b). It is unclear how much of the additional emissions reductions were due to the ARRA investments. There has not been an after-the-fact emissions assessment of the ARRA. The original blueprint for the stimulus package called for comprehensive carbon pricing and a removal of fossil fuel subsidies, but these policy changes did not happen, which likely minimized the emissions effects (Barbier 2011). Even today, it is estimated that the United States provides roughly $20 billion in fossil fuel subsidies per year (EESI 2019).

Table 3 | Sector-Specific Ex Post Evaluations of Green Stimulus in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act


Ex Post Evaluations

Renewable energy

• $25 billion in cash grants estimated to support 44,000–66,000 short-term jobs in wind energy and 8,300–9,700 short-term jobs in solar PV from 2009 to 2013, and 4,500–4,900 permanent jobs for wind and 610–630 permanent jobs for solar for the 20–30 year operational lifetime of the projects (Steinberg et al. 2012).

• $2.5 billion in loans estimated to support 8,000 short-term construction jobs and 500 permanent jobs. Helped fund the first five utility-scale solar PV facilities in the country and one of the largest wind farms in the world (Tienhaara 2018).

Energy efficiency

• In 2010, the Weatherization Assistance Program directly and indirectly supported 28,000 jobs and reduced carbon emissions 7.4 million metric tons (Council of Economic Advisors 2016; Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2015a).

• With $3.1 billion, the State Energy Program supported 51,000 job-years from 2009 to 2013, and expected to lead to GHG emissions reductions of 164 million metric tons from 2009 to 2050, equivalent to taking 35 million cars off the roads for a year. It resulted in $7.7 billion in energy bill savings (Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2015a).

Public transit

• When U.S. states had the choice of where to spend ARRA transportation money, each dollar spent on public transit projects created 70% more job-hours than a dollar spent on highways (Smart Growth America 2011).

Coastal habitat restoration

• $167 million created about 17 job-years in the immediate term per $1 million spent, higher than for investments in fossil fuels. There are also longer-term benefits, including increased property values and future job creation from rebounded fisheries and tourism, and resilience to climate impacts (Edwards et al. 2013).

Notes: PV = Photovoltaics; GHG = Greenhouse gas.

Source: WRI.

South Korea

South Korea invested 69 percent of its stimulus in green measures, the highest proportion in the world (Robins et al. 2010; ILO 2011; Tienhaara 2018). It announced multiple stages of stimulus, including as part of its Five-Year Green Growth Plan. It allocated $60.0 billion for green measures out of a total stimulus of $86.9 billion (Robins et al. 2010; ILO 2011; Barbier 2011; Tienhaara 2018).9 The green measures amounted to 5 percent of South Korea’s 2007 GDP. The destination of much of the green spending was unclear at the outset, as was the government’s definition of what counted as green stimulus, but one attempt to classify the allocations identified $7 billion for railroads and mass transit, $6 billion for energy efficient villages and schools, $4 billion for fuel-efficient vehicles and renewable energy, and $14 billion for water management (Robins et al. 2009).

The largest project was the Four Major Rivers Restoration, but it was also the most controversial. The project built 16 dams, expanded sewage treatment facilities, and made land-use changes to eliminate river pollution from farms. It was finished by 2011, with the initial $10 billion allocation doubling to $20 billion (Tienhaara 2018). The government framed the project in terms of climate change adaptation. A government audit found that the project reduced risks of flooding and improved water quality and availability, but also led to algae growth and threatened aquatic species (Agrawala et al. 2020). Many environmental groups and academics protested the destruction of wetlands and contended that South Korea did not have a water shortage or a high risk of flooding (Tienhaara 2018; Chang et al. 2012). On the economic side, construction ramped up very quickly, which helped provide a rapid stimulus to the economy. The project was expected to be the biggest job creator among the initial stimulus spending (Barbier 2010), although it may have created fewer jobs than projected by the government (Chang et al. 2012). In addition, the majority of the jobs were low-quality and without benefits, and the rush to complete the project led to longer-than-legal working hours and 20 accidental worker deaths (Chang et al. 2012). Chang et al. (2012) performed a rough analysis and found that investments in renewable energy in South Korea made from 2003 to 2010 created more jobs per dollar and higher-quality jobs than the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project.

The South Korean economy recovered from the economic crisis faster than expected, with the green stimulus measures likely a key contributor (Mundaca and Damen 2015; OECD 2010). South Korea’s economy collapsed further than the rest of the OECD, but it also rebounded faster (see Figure 8) (OECD 2020). There are several proposed reasons for this success. South Korea’s stimulus was one of the largest as a share of its GDP. It was especially speedy in the distribution of its green stimulus—almost 20 percent of the funds were disbursed by mid-2009, compared to only 3 percent for most countries (Strand and Toman 2010). It had low levels of government debt and efficient top-down governance, which allowed it to quickly set up and implement a debt-financed stimulus package (Pollitt 2011). Part of this speed was due to the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project, which had been planned and abandoned in previous years but was revived once the crisis began, so could begin quickly (Tienhaara 2018). Beyond the stimulus, other factors such as the Korean won’s depreciation could have contributed to the recovery by increasing competitiveness and exports (Agrawala et al. 2020). It is difficult to disentangle what part of the growth effect came from the green measures, but given that it formed such a large component of the stimulus, it is seen as playing a positive role (Mundaca and Damen 2015). One model estimated that the green measures increased South Korea’s GDP by 1 percent compared to the baseline in 2009–10 (Pollitt 2011).

Figure 8 | Quarterly GDP Growth in South Korea Rebounded Faster than in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development as a Whole after the Global Financial Crisis


Note: GDP = Gross domestic product.

Source: OECD 2020.

The increase in the unemployment rate in South Korea from the end of 2008 to the end of 2009 was the lowest in the OECD (OECD 2010). South Korea’s unemployment rate in 2009 ended up reaching only 3.6 percent, compared to projections of 4.3 percent if it hadn’t been for the stimulus (OECD 2010). The Korean Development Institute did an ex post analysis of the Green Growth Plan and found that it directly created 156,000 new green jobs from 2009 to 2011. Half of the jobs were related to pollution reduction such as in recycling and waste disposal, which are sectors more likely to have poor working conditions and unstable employment (Jung 2015).

The evidence of the effect on emissions from South Korea’s stimulus and Green Growth Plan is mixed. The carbon intensity of the South Korean economy (CO2 emissions per unit of GDP) had been slowly falling before the crisis, but increased by 15 percent in 2008 and by 11 percent in 2009 because emissions remained flat while GDP went down. Carbon intensity did not fall below 2007 levels again until 2014. An ex post analysis of South Korea’s Green Growth Plan found that GDP per capita remained the primary driver of CO2 emissions levels (Sonnenschein and Mundaca 2016). Short-term investments in infrastructure, such as for railways or the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project, increased demand for resources like concrete and likely increased emissions (Sonnenschein and Mundaca 2016). Export-led growth in semiconductors and electric appliance manufacturing was also energy intensive (Agrawala et al. 2020). Little of the stimulus went to renewables, and even with the government’s other renewable support policies, the share of renewable energy was still only at 1 percent in 2013, with coal at around 30 percent (Sonnenschein and Mundaca 2016). South Korea did not implement carbon pricing in combination with its stimulus package—it finally implemented an emissions trading system in 2015, with the first auctions in 2019 (World Bank 2020). Still, it is impossible to definitely say what the impact on emissions was, as there is no counterfactual for comparison and there is a potential time lag in realizing some of the positive emissions effects (Agrawala et al. 2020; Sonnenschein and Mundaca 2016).


In response to the global financial crisis, China quickly made infrastructure spending a priority—some green and some less so. China was one of the first economies to respond, announcing a $586 billion stimulus package in September 2008, including about $200 billion for green measures (Robins et al. 2010; ILO 2011). Almost all of the green spending was on rail infrastructure, grid modernization, and water/waste management. However, the funding was likely not as green as it appeared, as some of the railways were built specifically to enable cross-regional transport of coal (China State Council 2008). And since China’s electricity was primarily from coal, grid expansions and upgrades likely benefitted coal power too. China also allocated more than $80 billion to road infrastructure (WWF 2010). About 30 to 40 percent of the total package was estimated to be new spending, with the remainder putting earlier projects on a fast track (Robins et al. 2009, 2010). The fast track was in part achieved by rolling back requirements for environmental impact assessments, which may have allowed environmentally dubious projects to proceed (Horn-Phathonothai 2009). Still, the environmental ministry suspended at least $15 billion of investments in 14 major projects after they failed environmental impact assessments (China Environment Chamber of Commerce 2009).

It has been difficult to determine how the money allocated to green measures was spent due to a lack of reporting by the government. We do know that there were some changes over time. The $51 billion that China originally set aside for “biological conservation and environmental protection” was later cut down to $31 billion (Horn-Phathonothai 2009). Funds allocated toward “Technological Innovation and Restructuring” doubled over the course of disbursement to $43 billion—the breakdown of the spending is not available, but it does include nuclear power, wind, solar, and new energy vehicles (NDRC 2009a, 2009b). It is unclear whether there are other inconsistences between announcements and implementation. In addition to the fiscal stimulus, China massively expanded credit, and the loans likely went to state-owned companies in polluting sectors (Horn-Phathonothai 2009).

In 2010 after the stimulus, China’s economy bounced back to double digit growth, close to pre-crisis levels. Growth reached 11.9 percent in the first quarter of 2010, compared to 6.1 percent in the first quarter of 2009. Employment in infrastructure helped make up for job losses in export-oriented industries, so while employment and wage growth slowed in 2009, they remained positive (World Bank 2010). A 2011 ex post model estimated that green investments were responsible for an increase in GDP of 4.2 percent above the baseline in 2009 and 3.6 percent above the baseline in 2010, mostly from the investment in rail and grid networks (Pollitt 2011). However, in the following years the stimulus created high debt burdens for local governments and led to overcapacity in steel, cement, and glass (M. Zhang et al. 2019; European Chamber 2016).

The stimulus increased China’s environmental footprint in the short term and slowed its transition away from heavy industry, though investments in railways were projected to decrease longer-term energy consumption. Because so much of China’s stimulus was focused on heavy infrastructure like railways and highways, early on it mainly benefitted cement, iron, and steel producers (Horn-Phathonothai 2009). From 2008 to 2009, cement production increased 15 percent and crude steel production increased 14 percent (National Bureau of Statistics of China 2010). The effect of the stimulus on energy consumption was projected to turn from negative to positive by 2014, with energy use in the transportation sector (including railways) 20 percent lower in 2020 compared to a baseline without the stimulus (WWF 2010).

During the crisis, China enhanced its efforts to establish itself as the world leader in renewable energy, particularly solar. China provided $30 billion in credit to solar manufacturers, subsidized grid connected and off-grid solar, and implemented a nationwide solar feed in tariff (S. Zhang et al. 2014). Though not part of the stimulus package, these measures still arose as part of the government’s strategy to recover from the crisis. Due to these and other policies, China’s solar manufacturing capacity increased by a factor of 20 between 2007 and 2011 (see Figure 9). China now has more wind and solar capacity than any other country (REN21 2020). There were worldwide benefits as China’s investments dramatically reduced the cost of solar photovoltaics (PV). China’s solar policies were not without complications though: the rapid developments and influx of credit led to overcapacity in the manufacturing sector, high levels of debt, and distortions in the solar energy market (S. Zhang et al. 2014). China also invested heavily in the manufacturing of new energy vehicles, including electric vehicles—establishing new standards and goals in 2009 that would set it up to become the world’s largest electric vehicle producer (Gong et al. 2012).

Figure 9 | Annual Solar Photovoltaics Cell Production by Country


Source: Earth Policy Institute 2015.

European Union

The vast majority of the EU’s 2008 stimulus was spending by member states. France, Germany, and the United Kingdom allocated the most to green spending, totaling $25.7 billion collectively. In addition, about $24.7 billion of the $38.8 billion stimulus from the EU budget and EU banks was allocated to green measures (Robins et al. 2010; ILO 2011). Though they weren’t technically part of the green stimulus, several EU countries raised feed-in tariffs for solar and wind in the same time period, worth $93 billion, more than any of the fiscal stimulus measures (Varro et al. 2020). Like in the United States, carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration did not advance quickly. Only one of the six pilot projects was completed even though €424 million ($589 million) of the €1 billion ($1.47 billion) allocated for CCS was spent (European Commission 2018).

An assessment based on macroeconomic modeling and quantitative and qualitative analysis found that the green elements of the stimulus packages had a small positive impact on European countries’ economies in the short run. Each $1 in green investment boosted GDP by $0.60 to $1.10 at the national level and up to $1.50 at the European level. Most of the green investment policies also led to higher employment levels (Pollitt 2011). Many of the EU member states were able to start spending the money they allocated within weeks of the announcements, and the majority of all policies were implemented in a timely matter, though it was faster to make tax changes and introduce car scrappage schemes than it was to implement investment projects like high-speed rail (Pollitt 2011).

The environmental impact of the green stimulus measures was small, but likely net positive in the long run. Based on the same study, green stimulus interventions in European countries had a negative environmental impact in the short term because they increased economic activity. But in the long term as energy demand was reduced, the environmental benefits were expected to outweigh the costs. Investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency had the longest-lasting environmental effects, while the environmental impacts of new rail transport infrastructure were harder to measure (Pollitt 2011).

In Germany, green investments accounted for roughly 13 percent of the total $105 billion stimulus (Robins et al. 2009; ILO 2011). The building refurbishment initiative received €3.3 billion ($4.6 billion) and was one of the largest programs. An ex ante analysis estimated the spending on buildings would be paid back via reduced energy costs and could lead to 25,000 jobs in manufacturing and construction (Meyer-Ohlendorf et al. 2009). Germany also implemented a €5 billion ($7 billion) car-scrapping scheme, which successfully stimulated the automobile industry but also increased emissions (see Box 2). A small part of Germany’s stimulus was invested in the country’s Renewable Energy Sources Act, which was implemented in 2009 with the goal of doubling renewable energy’s share to at least 30 percent by 2020. Most of Germany’s support for renewables came through feed-in tariffs and other non-stimulus policies (Barbier 2009; Robins et al. 2010; ILO 2011). Germany met its goal and reached more than 40 percent renewable power in 2019 (Eckert 2020).

The amount of France’s stimulus plan that went to green measures is debated, and estimated at anywhere from 8 to 20 percent of its €26 billion ($34 billion) French Economic Revival Plan. The stimulus included green investments in solar PV, building efficiency, and railroads, but also spending on fossil fuel plant upgrades and road infrastructure. Much of the funding was not earmarked for specific projects, which made accounting for the green elements difficult (Pollitt 2011). Also in 2009, France passed the first law of the Grenelle de l’Environnement, a framework defining the conditions for sustainable development and enhanced environmental measures in 13 sectors. The different green measures of the stimulus package were financed alongside the priority areas defined in this framework (Barbier 2009).

A modest 5 to 7 percent of the United Kingdom’s total £25 billion ($41 billion)10 stimulus was allocated for green stimulus measures such as energy efficiency and rail transport. The £100 million ($161 million) spent on the Warm Front Program in 2009–10 installed insulation and heating improvements in almost 38,000 homes, saving each up to £300 in energy bills every year (Pollitt 2011). A small amount was also spent on social housing, one of the very few European stimulus investments to go directly to vulnerable groups. One of the first neighborhoods to participate in the program saw $1.46 in social value per $1 invested (Nottingham Trent University 2013). However, the green investments were also offset by negative investments like increasing capacity on highways and R&D in fossil fuels (Robins et al. 2009; Hohne et al. 2009).

Box 2 | Car-Scrapping Schemes: A Cautionary Tale

Eight of the top ten largest car-producing countries introduced “cash for clunkers” to support their ailing auto industries. While these car-scrapping schemes were often touted as green stimulus, subsequent evaluations found that they had only a modest stimulus effect and did not reduce emissions as had been hoped (Schweinfurth 2009; Klößner and Pfeifer 2015). In the United States, for example, car buyers simply moved their purchases forward in time, so additional car sales due to the program were offset the following year after the program ended and sales went down (Mian and Sufi 2012). Each job created under the U.S. program took $1.4 million, much higher than alternative fiscal measures (Gayer and Parker 2013; Agrawala et al. 2020). Germany was the only country to see a large and lasting increase in car sales due to a car-scrapping scheme, with 1.3 million new car registrations due to the program, including almost 1.0 million that were not pulled forward from future periods. However, this actually increased CO2 emissions by 2.4 million tons (Klößner and Pfeifer 2015). Reviews of the programs across all countries find that the discarded cars were not necessarily being replaced with the most efficient alternatives (Hohne et al. 2009; IARC 2014). Any emissions reductions were small and ended when the programs were over (Wee et al. 2011).

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